
My Imaginative Girl

I debated whether to share this photo in the last post and obviously opted to leave it out.  I never want to humiliate my girl.  But I can't stop thinking about this picture, and I'm a little mad at myself for omitting it because when I look at it I don't see a silly little girl.  I don't see something embarrassing or humiliating.  I don't write about the funny things she does to poke fun, and I don't post the goofy pictures to get a cheap laugh.  I post them because they make my heart swell with pride for my imaginative girl.  I post them because I want to remember every last detail and every endearing quirk.  They are what make her special.  I post about the sweet eccentricities because I'm afraid if I don't I will someday forget this game that she plays and how much I adore it, and the way she looks going around on all fours with her tongue out, and the how she laps the water out of the bowl.  I want to remember how inspired I am by her imagination, and praise her for her uniqueness.  I want to carry with me her creativity and spirit.  I post because I love, so completely, everything about my little Milani.